Hull Food Strategy – NEW survey – complete and WIN up to £250 High Street Vouchers
The Hull Food Strategy has the potential to transform the way food is supplied, sold and eaten in Hull, supporting people’s health, wealth and wellbeing.
The public consultation for developing the Hull Food Strategy is taking place in two phases:
Phase One (extended until February 28th 2022): Data Collection through survey.
This NEW survey builds on the questions asked in the previous survey and includes questions about the Local Plan and the environment as well as the Food Strategy.
Even if you completed the last survey, we still need you to complete this survey and share it with your networks to ensure that all voices are heard.
Anyone aged from 11 upwards can complete the survey and will be in with the chance of winning up to £250 High Street vouchers. All answers are confidential and will be reported anonymously.
Some people have asked if they should complete the survey if they don’t live in Hull – the answer is YES – if you come into Hull for any reason (work, education, leisure, volunteering etc) then we need to hear from you.
Please complete the survey using the link below and encourage colleagues, service users, friends and family to do it too – the more information we get, the better:
If you have access to groups who don’t go online, a printable version of the survey is available here: Peoples Panel_food strategy and local plan_January 2022_paper Questionnaire – just fill it in and post it back to the FREEPOST address below (before 24th February 2022):
The People’s Panel
Hull City Council
PO Box 15
Phase Two (March-May 2022): Public Consultation – online and face to face events.
We need to speak to as many people as possible across Hull, including children and young people, we are especially interested in speaking to people who’s voices are seldom heard.
For that, we need to set up sessions either online or face to face (Covid permitting).
If you are interested in hosting one of these groups, or think there’s someone we need to be speaking to, please can you get in contact via anna@rootedinhull.org.uk – we will make the time to engage with whoever is interested.