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Veg Cities 2019-2020

Hull Veg City 2019-20 programme

Veg Cities Hull exists to increase the growing, cooking and eating of vegetables in Hull. We work with organisations such as Hull Healthy Lifestyles, Hull KR Community Trust, Veg Power UK and many others. We are doing this by organising events, challenges and promotions that inspire and motivate people to get involved as individuals or as a community in the growing, cooking and eating more VEG!

We aim to make things as fun and enjoyable as possible. Would you like to get involved? If so, read below, or get in touch with us at

PDF DOWNLOAD 2019-20 Programme

Veg Cities Hull 2020 programme



Theme: New Year – “Let’s eat more vegetables”

Start the new year with by discovering exciting ways of adding more vegetables to your diet in 2020!

Five blog posts about eating more veg will go out 2nd 6th 13th , 20th 27th  January.

Blog titles

  • Getting children to eat more vegetables

  • Eat the Rainbow!

  • Eating healthily on a budget

  • and others


Theme – Germinating – Build up to Hull Seed Swap on 7th March.

Learn how to germinate seeds for the 2020 veg growing season and visit our city centre seed swap early next month.

We’ll be photographing the germination some vegetable seeds, as they grow into seedlings.

Also starting in February

Eat Them to Defeat Them with Veg Power UK

National campaign promoting vegetables to children. See it on ITV, Channel 4, Sky and on a street near you!

24thFeb – Carrots
2nd March – Peas
9th March – Sweetcorn
16th March – Broccoli
23rd March – Tomatoes
30th March  – Peppers


Event 1: Hull Seed swap on Saturday 7th March

Event 2 – Cooking competition at Trinity Market – The 5 Veg Challenge on Wednesday 25th March 

Competitive chefs competitng for the best dish in the kitchen

Are you an aspiring Masterchef?  Prepare a dish at home using 5 different veg to enter cooking competition to win the 5-VEG challenge trophy.


It’s time to get our veg growing underway and to make it easy we’ll be kicking off the year with a huge citywide ‘Good to Grow’ day.

Formerly known as the ‘Big Dig’ in 2019 with Hessle Road Network

GRIN in Greatfield, Hull


We’ll be challenging businesses to provide a bowl of fresh veg for their workforce – and keep it topped up for the whole month ! (More details to follow.)


The veg plot’s growing, but how do you get it flourishing? We’ll give you tips to keep it healthy & pest free.
(More details to follow.)


Sald theme. Share your salad photos with us online to prove it! (More details to follow.)


It’s harvest time so let’s enjoy the plentiful fruits of Hull’s 2020 harvest!


Awards for the most active individuals, schools, businesses and organisations.

For more information, contact me, John Pickles at

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